Friday, August 1, 2008

You Will Be Missed...

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I have tears in my eyes as I write this post.

And I also can’t believe that I’m comparing this to an old post about reality TV and the fact that I always seem to get too attached to people I’ve never even met.

So, yes, as of 4 pm yesterday, it is the end of an era. And no longer do I have a hands-down favorite Boston athlete...or team, for that matter, as I'm not sure how interested I will be in the Red Sox anymore.

My favorite Boston team has changed several times over the course of my life, but only because my favorite athlete has changed over the years. My love for a specific sport has always been a direct result of my love for one specific athlete. The reasons behind my top-choices have varied from “he’s hot” to “he’s the best player on the team” to “he’s fun.” But when I add up the total number of years I have dedicated to one specific athlete or team, Manny and the Red Sox win. Hands down.

The Bruins suck. Hockey sucks. Tom Brady is dreamy but boring. Football gives me something to do on Sunday, but I will never fully understand the game and I don’t really care to (sorry Matt). And, yes, the Celtics are the world champions, but basketball puts me to bed earlier than football and I don’t consider any of the players on the team to be “exciting” (I used to be an Iverson fan).

While I completely understand the world of sports and the fact that athletes come and go, they get traded, they get hurt, they simply choose another team or they retire, I’m going to have a hard time getting over this one.

No, I did not know Manny personally. I can’t even quote his statistics. So, once again, I find myself wondering why I am so distraught over the loss of someone I never even knew.

People are always complaining that the game of baseball is boring. But for the past 7 years, Manny made it fun, exciting and easy to watch all 9 innings without ever changing the channel. Many fans had a love-hate relationship with him but, in my eyes, he simply could do no wrong.

So although you aren’t aware of my existence, Manny, I want you to know that I will miss you dearly.


1 comment:

Amber said...

I am so sorry for your loss...I figured you'd be pretty upset over the news, if it makes you feel better, Matt is too. You should invite him over to your pity party :) And although I am no sports fan, I felt the same way about Damon and was pissed when he was let go, so you can cry on my should anytime! Or I'll take you to Paradiso for one (or 5) watermelon martinis...