Friday, March 7, 2008

A Blog About Nothing

I’ve noticed that a lot of people begin their blogs by saying that they’ve been thinking about creating a blog for a long time. I, too, am one of those people. I’ve been reluctant up until now because, in the back of my mind, I always considered blogs, Facebook and MySpace to be a little too egocentric for me. As I do often, I’ve changed my mind.

Fortunately for me, I really don’t have much going on in my life right now and that’s just how I like it. No drama. You’re probably thinking that without drama there’s not much to blog about but it’s because there’s no drama that I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on the past 30 years of my life.

So here are my reasons for creating this blog:

1. Unfortunately, I don’t get to spend as much as time as I would like with the people that I enjoy most, so this seems like a good alternative to share my thoughts and learn which thoughts are “normal” and which ones really are strange.

2. Because of the line of work that I am in, I’m a huge believer in the benefits of journaling so I’m hoping that this will be somewhat cathartic for myself.

3. I also hope that this blog will occasionally make you laugh, cry, angry, happy, agree or disagree.

I’ve always considered myself to be somewhat "quirky" but lately I’ve begun to notice that I’m actually quite normal. I would even call myself “average”, which, believe me, I am not happy about. The older I get and the more conversations I have with family, friends and colleagues, the more I realize that the thoughts I so often have are actually shared by many and when you find out that other people share these thoughts, it can make for a really funny and enjoyable conversation. It’s sort of like Seinfeld which was a “show about nothing” but left many people saying “Oh my god, that happened to me too.” or “I know exactly what you’re talking about”. I guess this is a blog about nothing.

Before I go, I would like to add a disclaimer. Let me just say that I am not a writer nor do I have any aspirations of becoming a writer (you’re probably saying “Thank god because her Flesch-Kincaid readability level is currently at a 5th grade level”). Grammar and vocabulary certainly aren’t strengths for me. I can literally spend hours trying to figure out how I should word one sentence or whether I should be using a comma or a semi colon so please try not to have any high expectations. I can’t say how often I will post a new blog but check back with me if you find yourself bored and surfing the net. I welcome your comments at any time.

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